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In all field of transportation, by land, sea and air

In all field of transportation, by land, sea and air, our function as a damage commissary in appraisal services is verifying and recognizing a loss, as well as to inspect and evaluate losses and damages caused in the merchandise.

In this sense, we have professional commissioners of appraisals with extensive technical and legislation knowledge. Our performance responds to criteria and principles of objectivity and rigour.

Main functions of damage commissioner:
Contenedor de carga con deformaciones y abolladuras tras incidente en transporte marítimo
Camión volcado en la carretera tras un accidente de transporte de mercancías, con presencia de agentes de tráfico

In addition to what was indicated above, the intervention of the commissioner is to participate in contradictory expert appraisal procedures, as well as to recognize and evaluate, on their own or with expert help in cases where their collaboration is required, in the merchandise (if it’s appointed by the interested on it) or in the vessel’s hull (if the person requesting the services is the shipping company) to evaluate and justify the damage, check its scope and, if it’s possible, determine the possible cause of the accident..

We have a professional and qualified team the commissioners

Inspector de ISAS revisando y documentando el estado de seguridad de un contenedor en transporte marítimo

Appraisal request

Contact us and we will get in touch as soon as possible